- Cryptography
- How to define anonymity in cryptography and how to prove the anonymity of a security solution?
- How to prove selectively-secure scheme is adaptively secure when message space is small?
- Injective PRG from one-way functions
- Decryption using randomness
- Probabilistic polynomial-time Turing machine with one-way function
- How to prove that 𝐿 is in NP∖P?
- AKS Primality-Testing Algorithm
- In lattice, does converting a “bad” basis to a “good” basis constitute a hard problem?
- KEM with CCA security without using PKE
- Pseudo One Time Pad against Computational Unbounded Adversary
- Is semantic security equvalent to IND-CPA?
- How to prove the conclusion “linear operation XOR does not affect the division property”?
- Reject sampling of lattice ZKP, why need factor of M?
- Question about P and NP problem
- Languages L that have perfect zero-knowledge that do not have any AM proof system that is perfect or zero-knowledge on L
- Deterministic vs probabilistic adversaries in a proof-of-knowledge context
- Rigorous Proof on Malicious Zero-Knowledge Property of Schnorr Protocol
- How can I demonstrate the existence of such an isomorphism(look at the image below)?
- Relationship between log(κ) and log(n), and round complexity
- Why is the first coefficient set to 1 in both GGPR13 & Groth16 SNARKS?
- Real-or-Random Security (IND$-CPA) for Homomorphic Encryption?
- Why are the expressions divided by 2 random elements γ & δ in Groth16?
- Why do many ZKSnarks divide the Inputs into Public & Private Parts?
- lattice RLWE encryption and decryption process
- Question about Security proof of Gentry’s Anonymous IBE
- How do I prove that a bit by bit PKE scheme (that is IND-CPA secure) for an n-bit message is not IND-CCA-2 secure?
- Question Regarding Idenitities of Gentry’s Homomorphic Encryption on LWE
- Definition of non-interactive non-commiting encryption
- Prove that there is no universal Hard-Core Predicates
- Decryption of LWE-based Inner-Product Fuctional Encryption of Agrawal-Libert-Stehle Crypto 2016
- Proof that secret sharing based scheme is CPA secure as long as one of the scheme is CPA secure
- Indistinguishability of (G0(x),G1(x)) from (G0(x),t) where G(x)=G0(x)‖G1(x) is a PRG
- PRF with a one truly random evaluation
- Protecting a message with two private keys
- Extractor and Min-Entropy proof
- Mathematics
- Clarification on Blomer and Seifert reduction from CVP to SIVP
- Lattice width of conv(0,ne1,⋯,nen)
- Extending a closest point to a basis for a lattice
- Proof for the successive minima being achieved by linearly independent lattice vectors?
- If two integer matrices A and B have the same row space, A=UB for some unimodular matrix U?
- Lattice basis consisting of minimal vectors
- Reduction modulo lattice parallelepipeds
- Unimodular lattice
- Spanning vectors of simple cubic lattice
- Prove that the matrix is totally unimodular, for any binary vector a
- Is the following also a lattice?
- Lattice in R3
- When does lattice equal the whole Zn
- Dual of intersections (lattices)